Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm Baa-aack!

I know, I know! What the heck happened to the last 4 months. Wait I know what happened......PTA! This whole PTA president thing is quite time consuming. I do have to admit that I have loved it though. I love being where my kids are, being involved with what they are doing, and getting to know their teachers and friends. Plus I get to rub shoulders with some really incredible people. I guess it's all worth it in the end. Well since I plan to copy my smart friend Heather and put all my posts in a book, I guess I better recap our summer and first couple weeks of school. So here it all a nut shell.

June was full of softball tournaments, Lagoon, swimming, and of course PTA. July was crazy too. Kyle had knee surgery and was layed up for 3 weeks. He went crazy being home and I went crazy having him home. In between all the knee-healing process was more softball, primary activities, camping, and trying keep the lawn mowed. August was here much to quickly. And of course lots of PTA preparations for the first week of school. But it was fun to have my girls working right along side of me. There is something very "cool" about being able to be in the school and see all the teachers getting their class rooms put together before school actually starts! The girls loved being a part of it. Kemri started guitar lessons with my cutest friend Amanda. She loves it! Kesli tried out for the softball team again and made it, so she had fun getting to know the new girls on her team. We have our new little Paislee (Kylee & Jayson's baby) and we all can't get enough of her! I even got to baby sit her! I love that little stink. Then of course the girls started school. They both LOVE their teachers! Kesli made the student council and is loving it! Kyson started Preschool at Jelly Bean Junction. He loves going to preschool. We got very fun news that my cute sister Linsay and her husband Rusty are having a baby girl in February, and Kyle's sister Tiff is also having a baby in Feb. I love all these new babies, there is nothing better. It was a crazy and fun summer and what a great Back-to -School experience. I am truely grateful for such a wonderful school, with great teachers and pricipal. Now we are starting to get into fall and loving it! It's kindof nice to be back on some sort of a schedule.


Shanna said...

im pretty sure you have the cutest kids in the world! and i love them dearly.

Angie said...

I have no doubt that you are the world's BEST PTA president :) Also, I feel your pain on the knee surgery thing. Zach had his done in March, and it totally threw off my routine having him around so much. Glad all is well.

lhhadley said...

Oh how I have missed your blogging and seeing your cute family:) Such cute pics...looks like you all had a great summer. Their school is so lucky to have you! Let us know when the Pres. is free to hang out sometime:)

Tinabean said...

You are one busy lady.
You are the one that inspires me you are such a good mom.
I hope everything has settled down for you for a little while.
It sounds like your family is growing how fun to have babies on both side born in feb.
If I had had a little girl Jer & I were gonna name her Payslie Ray Wright.
I love that name.

Amy said...

Hello! I'm so glad you are back:) Looks like you had a fun summer. I too agree that you are the best PTA president! Not only are you on the ball, but I bet everything looks all crafty and adorable! Your kids are so cute!