Thursday, October 1, 2009

{FaMilY PiCtuReS & ChRisTmAs CaRdS}

I know it is a little early to start thinking about Christmas, but I know that if your like me and you don't get a jump on your Christmas Cards they might not ever get done. I've had many people ask me about doing their family pictures and Christmas cards, so this year I decided to make it known that I would love to do them for anyone. There are more samples of my work and a price list at (there is a link at the top right). I can use photographs you already have or I can use the ones I take. I custum design each card to your style. You can email me anytime


Amy said...

You are so talented! I love them all:)

lhhadley said...

Cute, cute!! I may have you help me if I can't do my own.

Tinabean said...

Jer & I are totally interested in having you take our family pics.
I had no idea you had such talent.
Please let me know when you are available we probably need to do them before it gets to cold for baby.
Thanks Tina.

Braden said...

are you taking pictures too? i need some family pics done.. let me know i need to get some of kembrie she's getting big too fast!

Bells said...

You are so cute and talented! I love the cake at your moms birthday party! So adorable! It was so much fun seeing you last night we need to get together more often! Happy Birthday on Tuesday ya "old lady"! :) Totally Kidding!

Karie Coats said...

Wow! I didn't know you did that stuff. Everything looks adorable. Maybe if I get on top of things I'll have to give you a ring!