Monday, September 20, 2010


I guess every mom knows the second they have a new little baby that they will always be growing and changing. Some changes we totally welcome, like when potty training is over, or when they FINALLY sleep the whole night in their OWN bed. Others are a little harder to swallow. This year on the first day of school, I was the mess of a mom crying as I dropped my oldest off at the Jr. High school, not allowed to take any pictures, and crying again as I watched my youngest walk into the Kindergarten room like I wasn't even there. I was totally blind sided by how emotional I was the whole darn day. I knew it was coming, I had gone to the Jr. High for orientation and to the kindergarten picnic, but I guess when the time came I still wasn't all the way ready to let my little ones grow up. Luckily, my Kemri, who started 5th grade didn't cause me too much stress! ( she never does)


lhhadley said...

I don't blame you...I got teary eyed as I left the Kindergarten room too:)

shelby said...

It really is sad when they grow up! Cute kiddos!

shelby said...

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