Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Science Fair

I can't tell you how glad I am that the Science Fair is over! WOW! This is the first year any of my kids have had to participate. Kesli decided to see if people could taste the difference between non-fat and regular food. It really was kind of fun to watch her give the blind-folded taste tests. That was the easy part. Putting it together, with all the information and charts was what took forever. I love my little Kesli, but she is even more crazy about how the thing looked than I was ( I know hard to believe) It had to totally match and have glitter spray! But thank goodness it's done! And the good news is that next year the teachers have decided to do a history fair instead! I am not looking forward to the years both my girls will have to do them at the same time. Atleast this year we only had to do one!


Amy said...

Wow! Could you just save that so I can turn it in when my kids need to do one? I'll just buy it from you:) It looks so good! I love that she wanted glitter spray on it. How did the results come out?

Shanna said...

how fun...ha ha i totaly remember the science fair and i hated it too. thats a fun idea you picked though. and Thanks for the sweet comment, i love kemri and kesli. i was so sad when i thought i was losing kemri, but so excited to learn that i will get to know kesli better. i love love love the valient 11's. they are amazing kids! it was total inspiration to put me in that class. they teach me so much.

Candis said...

I remember you always went above and beyond on your homework too! How do you make your cute headers?

Lord Nathan and Lady Bats said...

Wow! Your children are so big! I remember Kesli as a wee one!

Much Love.

lhhadley said...

So cute! I am definatly coming to you for project ideas when my boys get bigger.

lhhadley said...

Love the festive valentine's background BTW! You're good, I haven't even thought of the next holiday.

twice as nice said...

You are all cute and valentiney! very cute, love the project and the new years pics! very cute!