Thursday, March 19, 2009

Called to Serve

CONGRATULATIONS! To my baby brother Taylor! He received his mission call yesterday to the Florida, Tallhassee mission. He leaves June 3rd. I can't believe he is old enough to serve a mission. He is the youngest of 6 and I think my poor mom is freaking out a little. He is her baby. I am so proud of his decision. He will be an awesome missionary! He has such a big heart and really cares about people. He is such a good example to all of his friends. Even though we will miss him, I know he is doing the right thing and couldn't be happier for him! Look at him....Isn't he stinkin' cute!


Amy said...

That is awesome! He is such a cute kid.....I still remember him as a toddler:) Are we really getting that old?

lhhadley said...

He looks so happy! How fun and exciting. We had fun with you guys the other night, we need to get together again:)

Candis said...

That is exciting! I missed you at the alumni games.

Brittney Hale said...

Oh Florida... I lived in the Orlando area for a while and I totally would go back in a heart beat- Lucky him!!